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4 ,0 A Sp 4 40 0• 01 " O t o

2nd March 1985, Page 6
2nd March 1985
Page 6
Page 6, 2nd March 1985 — 4 ,0 A Sp 4 40 0• 01 " O t o
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THE ROAD Haulage Association's national tipping service has made a generous gesture to our Ethiopian Send a Spare Fund.

Roger Hobby, its chairman, this week told CM that his members were to make a sizeable, but as yet unspecified, contribution to the fund.

It is traditional for the tipping service to make at least two charitable donations during the RHA Tipcon conference and exhibition In May. The CM fund has been selected this year and the cheque will be handed over during the conference.

The tipper operators' donation and others in the pipeline will take the fund to over L-14,000. We were advised that a number of manufacturers who have not yet contributed are still considering the matter.

The fund is still open. Donations should be sent to the CM Send a Spare Fund, Commercial Motor, Room 304C, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 MS.