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Staff eager to sign up for NVOs

2nd January 2014, Page 42
2nd January 2014
Page 42
Page 42, 2nd January 2014 — Staff eager to sign up for NVOs
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VEHICLE HIRE and leasing firm Burnt Tree expects half its workforce to have achieved an NVO qualification by August, in areas such as customer service and accident repair.

Some 106 staff across 21 sites have completed the training since it was introduced 12 months ago. Approximately 90 extra employees have signed up for the scheme, which has been offered to everyone from senior management to branch-based valets.

The NVO programme is being independently assessed by SWP Training in Durham. Each course takes approximately 12 weeks to complete.

Burnt Tree chief executive Richard Metcalfe said the introduction of the scheme has created a culture of learning in the company.

"The sheer volume of qualified employees is a resounding success, especially as this has been a voluntary sign-up process," said Metcalfe.