A Drain-plug Magnetic Filter.
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ONprevious Occasions we have referred to the extremely interesting and effective magnetic oil filters manufactured by Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Percy Buildings, Grosse Street, Bath. bone Place, Loudon, W.1, for removing iron or steel particles from the lubricating oil of engines, gearboxes, etc.
In this connection we illustrate a new special type of filter, which replaces the drain plug of a gearbox and can, consequently, be fitted without any dilliesIty and with no structural alterations whatever; for these reasons it should appeal particularly to owners of exi-iting motor vehicles, as apart from the manufacturers of them.
The company does not consider this type of filter quite so satisfactory as its bar type, and the latter is always recommended to the makers, but that it is extremely effective can easily be proved by a short trial. It is necessary only to drain from the gearbox the oil which has been in use for a considerable time, place the new plug in position, and refill the box with the same oil. After the vehicle has been on the road for another 10 or 14 days the oil filter should be removed and washed carefully in an earthenware bowl containing petrol, after which an examination of the poles of the magnets with a lens of three or four nutenifications will serve to show how much metallic material has been collected.
The magnets are four in number and are made of chrome-cobalt steel, turned and ground, and finally pressed into the brass body. These magnets aro so arranged that the alternate magnets have north and south poles respectively, so that a collecting area is provided between each pair.
At the moment the company has standardized types for the following vehicles: Leyland Lion, 4-ton Dennis, J. type Thornyeroft, and the Na. 5 type A.E.C,, although it can, make filters for many other types and makes of vehicle.