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Scots lodge big claim

29th September 1988
Page 4
Page 4, 29th September 1988 — Scots lodge big claim
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The Road Haulage Association has received its first regional drivers pay claim, from the Transport and General Workers Union in Scotland — and it bears little resemblance to the benchmark targets set by the union in August.

The Scottish drivers want: O A basic rise of 215 across the board CI Adult pay rates starting at 18 instead of 21 El Substantial increases in subsistence allowance O A possible extra week's holiday for long service Holiday pay of 11 hours a dff Night rate upped to time and a third The national targets set by the union for the annual wage round with the RHA included a 29-a-week increase on basic rates, five weeks holiday, a 22 rise in subsistence rates, and a reduction in the working week to 39 hours.