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sore CV n road

29th September 1978
Page 19
Page 19, 29th September 1978 — sore CV n road
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

107AL of 30,409 goods icles were registered in the during August this year — 8 more than in the same od ast year.

rovisional figures pubed by the Department Transport indicate a iificant rise in the number iew goods vehicles on the J. They show that 188,744 ides were registered betm January and August, .inst 157,832 in the first it months of last year.

ublic transport vehicle istrations, however, have pped by 27 to 6,533, npared with 6,560 in the 7 January/August period.

:ommercial vehicle produci has risen by one per cent r last year's figures for the iod antil the end of August. ,duction during August, vever, was nine per cent svv the August 1977 level. sort production this year so far fallen short of last r by 11 per cent. The Detrne nt of Transport's seaAlly adjusted figure for nmercial vehicle produci in August shows a six per t decrease compared with average monthly level in 7.