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Public pays to be brainwashed

29th January 1983
Page 26
Page 26, 29th January 1983 — Public pays to be brainwashed
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

GREATER LONDON Council obviously has a death wish and the sooner it is granted the better. Its decision to squander £90,000 of ratepayers' money on an advertising campaign to buy their hostility to heavier lorries is a typical example of utter irresponsibility.

With great restraint the Road Haulage Association describes it as "totally misconceived". I call it a wanton misuse of public funds to pre-empt the result of the council's own costly inquiry into lorry operation in London. The GLC presumably fears that the report will not support its spurious dogma and is using 1 public's money to discredit tht findings in advance.

I am reminded of a notice often seen in public places: "Beware of pick-pockets".