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Lorry watchers are being abused claim

29th August 2013
Page 6
Page 6, 29th August 2013 — Lorry watchers are being abused claim
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VOLUNTEERS WITH A lorry watch scheme in Bradford-on-Avon have claimed drivers have become abusive towards them while they attempt to enforce a local weight restriction.

Stephanie Ridout, co-ordinator of the scheme, which encourages locals to write down the registrations of LGVs breaching a weight restriction on the town bridge, said the incidents have been reported to the police.

Her comments came after seven companies were prosecuted in one week for contravening the 18-tonne weight restriction in the Wiltshire town.

Ridout admitted there would probably be no end to prosecutions, but said the lorry watch scheme had reduced the number of LGVs breaching the limit by a third.

"We have had a couple of occasions where drivers have become quite abusive; they have got out and threatened the volunteers," she said. "Two were very abusive. They only do it to men. We report it to the police each time."

None of the seven haulage firms that were prosecuted were available for comment.