Cover is a liability...
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There can be few instances where a rise of i,000% in costs hasn't caused an outcry. It's taken some lime, but now companies are really starting to object to such vast increases in employers' liability cover—that's if they can get cover at all. Haulage is one of eight sectors finding it increasingly difficult to obtain insurance because insurers say they need to recoup mounting losses. For some companies, obtaining any sort of employers' liability cover is almost impossible— especially for new businesses. And for others, huge rate hikes have all but wiped out any profit margin. The fact that we live in a country that has taken "compensation culture" to its heart is one of the reasons for this problem. The rise of occupational diseases and cutbacks in the insurance sector are also to blame. And the news that truck driving is in the top ro most dangerous jobs (CM 22-28 August) is hardly likely to help employers when it comes to renewing their liability cover. It has, at least, now come to the government's attention. The British Insurance Brokers Association, the Treasury and the Department for Work and