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Interface up to it

28th September 1979
Page 35
Page 35, 28th September 1979 — Interface up to it
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Hands up all those who knew an -interface with the media" was a Press conference? And how many of you Smart Alecs knew that an "ongoing scenario" was simply continuing to do nothing? Your ignorance does you credit.

Most of this gobbledegook came from the USA but some pretty repugnant homespun phases are current. Hector Tidd, speaking at an Institute of Road Transport Engineers dinner, perpetrated "creative product specifications.' to meet hauliers' needs. This must have flattered the baffled customers no end.

Making a brave attempt at enlightenment, a member of CM staff suggested that Hector was saying: "Taking into account all contingencies that could arise as a result of the specification ." He has a head start over most of us because he spends half his life in the dark: he is a photographer.