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Please help to save my brother

28th November 1996
Page 20
Page 20, 28th November 1996 — Please help to save my brother
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

am writing this letter as a last desperate

attempt to get my brother Steve Bryant

released from the living hell he is going through in Morocco. Something has got to be done about the suffering that is being caused to innocent drivers and their families.

It is so frustrating that the people with the power to do something just don't seem to care. After all, who are we? Were only the mugs that vote these people into power. It's very frightening to think that should anything happen to you while you're abroad there is absolutely no help whatsoever.

Last year two officials from the foreign office went over to see Steve but were refused access because the law in Morocco states that you have to have the same surname as the person you ore visiting. They then just got back on a plane and came home (lucky them). I wonder if they would have got on that plane so easily if it had been one of their sons?

Morocco is not a European country, they said, but the people rotting in there are, aren't they? My brother had to sit in that hell-hole knowing our mum was dying. We were all with her and he should have been, too, No wonder he's had enough. We've all had enough and he's innocent. I've seen his prison and if an animal was kept in such conditions in this country, the person responsible would be locked up. Something has got to be done now. If I could drive a lorry I'd put it straight through 10 Downing Street. Anyone wishing to help with our petition, please contact us through Commercial Motor. Thank you for your support.

Miss C Bryant, Buckhurst Hill, Essex.