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Pumps for hydraulic power on the move

28th November 1996
Page 18
Page 18, 28th November 1996 — Pumps for hydraulic power on the move
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Robert Bosch has launched a range of motor pump units designed to provide a mobile source of hydraulic power.

The range offers a variety of motor sizes up to 8kW with voltages of between 12 and 80V DC. A rugged motor specification ensures heavy-duty cycles are possible for applications including fork-lift trucks, access platforms, tail-lifts, power steering on electric vehicles and as an emergency power source for non-electric vehicles. The maximum pressure capability is 250 bar, coupled to a maximum flow rate of 50 litres/ min.

T h e motor pump unit

range benefits from its compact size due to Bosch gear pumps being directly mounted on to specially built motors. All larger units are fan cooled which prevents motor overheating during extended use. In addition, compound motors are run at a lower speed to minimise noise levels. Contact: 0116 2892723.