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Contract Licence Conversion Sanctioned

28th March 1958, Page 55
28th March 1958
Page 55
Page 55, 28th March 1958 — Contract Licence Conversion Sanctioned
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SAYTNG that he did not wish to throw the applicants' customers into the arms of other hauliers, Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, last week added a vehicle to the A licence of Messrs. Massey and Wilcox, Gurney Slade, Somerset, conditional upon the surrender of a contract-A licence for a vehicle used by Messrs. W. Cary and Son, Shepton Mallet.

Mr. D. Massey, a partner in the applicant firm, said that the contract vehicle was not fully occupied, but agreed with Mr. Webb, for the British Transport Commission, that Cary had not approached him about a variation of the licence. Applicants wished to carry return loads for F. Shearn and Co., Ltd., from London to Midsorner Norton.

Mr. G. Willmott, a haulier objector, stated that he gave Cary a good service and had idle vehicles. Mr. A. H. Gore. another haulier, produced figures indicating 71-per-cent. vehicle availability.

Mr. Nelson wondered why Mr. Gore had submitted such information, as in an appeal he had previously made the Transport Tribunal had cast doubt on its value.

Mr. L. Jenkins, of British Road Services, said that vehicles were ready in Bristol and London to do Shearn's work. B21