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Save fuel compact

28th June 1980, Page 5
28th June 1980
Page 5
Page 5, 28th June 1980 — Save fuel compact
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HITTING THE ROAD next week is the Road Haulage Association's 40-tonne COMPACT campaign lorry.

The mobile exhibition and recruitment vehicle comprises a three-axle York trailer and Ford Transcotitinental tractive unit which will be used to publicise the advantages of the heavier breed of vehicle.

COMPACT is the industry's latest acronym, standing for Conservation of Oil, Maximum Productivity, and Competitive Transport.

RHA is underlining that 40 tonne lorries will carry more tonnes per gallon of fuel and that their multi-axle configuration will help preserve the environment. Maximum productivity is achieved, it says, by moving more tonnes per driver and more tonnes per day.

The COMPACT vehicle will be on display next week at the Royal Show at Stoneleigh, Warwickshire. It closes on July 2.