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Heavies' tyre bi may not be mon

28th June 1980, Page 32
28th June 1980
Page 32
Page 32, 28th June 1980 — Heavies' tyre bi may not be mon
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I READ with interest Mr MI timer's letter (CM, May 3' While it is true that the tyre 1 for a 38or 40-ton vehicle v be somewhat more expensi and that one will be unable pass the tyres "down the trai as at present, it is likely if these heavy vehicles will be ted with fewer tyres than is I case today.

We base this statement our view that the 38or 40-1 vehicle is likely to be a 4x2 tr tor with tri-axle trailer (fitti low-profile or wide-single tyrt as a result of which the vehi will be shod with only 12 ty as opposed to today's vehi with 14.

One should bear in mil however, that not everybt will want to, or be able to, gt the full gvw, and by spread the axles of the trailer bol additional weight could be • ried without altering either number of tyres or the tyre si D. S. E. CASDAGLI Dunlop Ltd Birmingham