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Carry on operating

28th June 1980, Page 20
28th June 1980
Page 20
Page 20, 28th June 1980 — Carry on operating
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A HAULIER representing himself at the Transport Tribunal in London has had his case referred back to the deputy Licensing Authority for the Yorkshire Traffic Area and meanwhile, can go on operating.

Lt was alleged that Michael Harding's yard at Withernsea Street, Hull, was not sufficient for more than one vehicle at a time although Mr Harding, trading as Sun Ray Motors, claims that the previous users of the yard operated four vehicles from the same premises.

Although Mr Harding had the yard, it was used only as an operational base when necessary. His vehicles were usually on the road, at commercial garages being served, or at depots where they were often kept overnight so that an early start could be made in the morning.

Tribunal president George Squibb said that it looked as if the position was not made properly clear and the matter was referred back to the deputy Licensing Authority for a resumption of the inquiry.