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The show must go on

28th June 1980, Page 19
28th June 1980
Page 19
Page 19, 28th June 1980 — The show must go on
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SHOWMEN want the 18m limit on drawbar outfits to be raised to 22m when hauling living vans.

The Showmen's Guild was appealing to the Armitage Inquiry to recommend such a concession.

It told the Inquiry that when a 12m living van — needed to provide Separate sleeping space for children and a proper bathroom — is attached to a 31ft tractive unit, it exceeded the 18m limit.

The long tractive units are needed to carry around 22ft of showmen's goods around the country, and the Guild insists that it does not want the 22m concession to apply to pure goods vehicles. "We don't want an exemption for cargo loads. We realise that others would jump on that bandwagon."

It pointed out that showmen's vehicles travel mainly in the summer and at quiet times, and that they try wherever possible to by-pass towns.

"All our worldly possessions are in the vehicles, so we don't want to be involved in accidents," said spokesman C. Noble.