Investigate Accidents at Once"
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pip ESEARCH teams should investigate IX accidents on the spot immediately after they occur, and experiments should be made to establish the forces arising from and the behaviour of vehicles and dummy passengers in collisions. Further work is also necessary on the design and trial of protective equipment. These recommendations are made in "Research on Injuries Sustained in Road Accidents," published by the Stationery Office at 2s. for the Road Research Laboratory. Much of the book is concerned with American work in this field, but it is stressed that con_ ditions in this country are different. Three-quarters of the people_ fatally injured in road accidents in the U.SA. in 1953 were vehicle occupants, whereas the corresponding figure for Britain was a sixth.
Tests with safety belts on life-size dummies in vehicles showed that the best results were obtained with a shoulder loop belt and a lap belt.
THE East Midland Regional Trans' port Commissioner's policy of not issuing supplementary fuel allowances for the movement of certain traffics beyond specified radii may be reviewed later when the railways' capacity to cope with long-distance traffic transferred from road can better be judged. The Commissioner said last week that supplementary rations would not be granted for general traffic beyond 60 miles; coal. 40 miles; and livestock, 60 miles. It is understood that the railways are not at present encouraging the transfer from road of traffic below the distances mentioned. The Commissioner's statement may also have to be read in the light of the directive on supplementary rations by the Minister of Transport. The East Midland Area of the Road Haulage Association has notified local traders of members who can, by interworking arrangements, accept traffic.
RY-LAWS to deal effectively with the transport of fish are urgently needed, states Mr. 'H. Parkinson, Grimsby chief public health inspector, in his annual report. He says that there has been an increase in the long-distance transport of fish by road, and that the discharge of offensive liquids on the highway is now causing nuisances in parts of the town previously unaffected. Many complaints resulted. from trouble caused by lorries with flat platforms. As the vehicles turned corners, foul liquid was splashed over the sides on to the highway.
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