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28th August 1928
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Page 4, 28th August 1928 — WHEELS OF INDUSTRY.
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties ot transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."–John Beattie Crozier.

Free-wheel Clutches on Scotland Yard Vehicles.

It will, no doubt, interest many users of motor vehicles to learn that a fleet of Jowett cars and vans which has been suPplied to Scotland Yard by Jovrett Cars, Ltd., Bradford Road, Idle, Bradford, has been equipped with the Hum frey-Sandberg free-wheel device, which renders gear-changing delightfully easy and gives undoubted economy in petrol consumption. A demonstration of the device was given last week at the J owett works, an explanation of tile mechanism being given by the Master of Sempill, who is a director of the Humfrey-Sandberg Co., Ltd. It was described in detail in the issue of this journal dated October 11th, 1927.

Star Trading in 1927.

The accounts of the Star Engineering Co., Ltd., for the year 1927 reveal a loss of £48,931, attributable, it is said, to the realization at low values of fourcylinder models and the writing down of stocks of parts for them. At the end of the year there was a debit balance of 169,156 shown by the profit and loss account. Extraordinary general meetings have been called at which proposals for the reduction of capital and for the change of the title to the Star Motor Co., Ltd., will be considered.

Preparing for Advertisements in Taxis.

The Home Secretary having passed the scheme for allowing certain classes of advertisement in taxicabs and the form which they are to take having been approved by Scotland Yard, many taxicabs are now being fitted with neat, oxidized copper frames on the doors and under-sides of the tip-up aeats in the interior. Certain of the interior fittings are also being used for advertising purposes. It is said that by September 1st 100 taxicabs will be equipped in this way, and that from October 700 a month will be dealt with until the whole fleet of London's cabs • has been brought into line.

Motors Wanted in Cairo.

The British commercial secretary at tiamIeh reports that the Tanzim Department, Ministry of Public Works, Cairo, is inviting tenders for the supply of motor sweepers, sprinkling and flushing vehicles, refuse collectors, tractors and trailer chassis which will be required during the year 1928-1929. Local representation is essential and British makers can obtain further particulars from the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, quoting reference AX6725.

A Barry Licensing Inquiry.

The suspension by the Barry Urban District Council of bus licences held for the Barry-Bridgend route by South Wales Commercial Motors, Ltd., was the subject of a recent Ministry of Transport inquiry, which took place at Barry on the appeal of the company.

The Ministry was asked to say that the licences must be renewed and that the rules which were applied by the Barry Urban District Council as a B20 licensing condition to buses running on this route were Unreasonable, in that the council had refused to grant the company permission to run its buses direct from Cardiff to Barry, to extend the Barry-Bridgend route.

The Ministry was represented by Mr.

C. A. Birtchnell, the company by Mr. T. John, Cardiff, and the council by Mr. T. B. Tordoff, much evidence being given on both sides.

It was stated that the council was now prepared to grant licences for three buses, subject to the approval of a joint conference of the authorities for adjoining local areas.

The Ministry's decision in the matter will be announced in due course.

Liverpool Buying More Six-wheelers.

The latest important municipal user to acquire Tfiornycroft six-wheeled vehicles is the Liverpool Corporation, which has placed an order for 10 of the new type-EC., low-loading, six-wheeled bus chassis for carrying 40-seater singledeck bodies. This order was the sequel to a thorough inspection and trial of the 58-85 h.p. Thornycroft six-cylinder six-wheeler conducted by the Liverpool Ruth-Critics.

In a Line or Two.

Birkenhead Corporation made a gross profit of £50,288 on the operation of its motorbuses in the year ended March 31st lust, the net profit being £28,343.

Ayr Corporation has decided to seek powers to run motorbus services.

Manchester Corporation is calling a conference of local authorities to draft an agreement with respect to bus ser vices through the various districts. • During the month of July, the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., and its allied companies carried 152.625,091 passengers. The buses of the fleet ran 16,610,520 miles.

Wakefield Corporation has made arrangements for a parking place in Elm Tree Street on the occasion of local football tnatches, the charges to be lx. for cars and is, 6d. for motor coaches.

Guildford Watch Committee has decided that the Cattle Market shall be the principal parking place for the town.

New Prices for Austin Commercials.

It is now generally known that the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., recently reduced the prices of its range of private. car chassis and the reductions that have now been made in the company's commercial models are, therefore, not wholly unexpected. The 7 h.p. van now sells for i133, as against £140, the price of the chassis being £102 7s. 6d.—a reduction of £7. The 12 h.p. commercial chassis is now priced at £185 and, as a complete van sells at £275, each figure representing a reduction of f10. The price of the 12 h.p. traveller's brougham is £300. So far as the 20 h.p. model is concerned, the chassis sells at 1295 and the complete van at £410, the former showing a reduction of 130 and the latter £26 as compared with prices hitherto ruling.

A £30 reduction has been made in the price of the four-cylinder ambulance • chassis, which now sells for £295, as well as in the price of the sixcylinder ambulance chassis, for which /395 is asked. The standard Austin ambulance is now listed at £610, as against £640 heretofore.

A Report on Ball and Roller Bearings.

Tito Standing Committee (General Merchandise) appointed by the Board of Trade has reported on its inquiry as to whether imported ball and roller bearings and parts thereof should be re

quired to bear an indication of origin. The report is now obtainable from His Majesty's Stationery Office or through any bookseller, price 2d.

• American Tractor Exports.

Considerable activity continues to prevail in the export trade in American tractors. The latest figures available of the shipments from the United States are those for the live months ended with May last, and they are summarized below. In view of the increasing importance of the trade, the official returns have this year been made more comprehensive, the various classes of tractor being now entered under no fewer than seven headings :—


1928. 1927.

Whee ;Tractom No. Value E. No. Value £,

14 un

der .. 7,962 680,695 – From 15 h.p.

to 32 h.p,.. 13,902 2525,130 –

Over 33 h.p. 1,720 360,726 – Without wheels 91 10,882 – Total 23,675 £3,577,433 21,390 £2,516,130 Track Laying Tractors, Complete 1,053 383,593 736 275,358 Less Tracks 249 84,655 – •-Engines for Tractors 251 13,069 786 72,728 Grand Total 25,228 £4,058,770 22,912 £2,864,216

It will be seen that the exports of tractors and engine's so far this year show an increase of 2,816, or just over 10 per cent in number, and £1,194,554 (nearly 42 per cent.) in value. The table also indicates that about 60 per cent, of the wheel tractors are in the medium 15 h.p.-32 h.p. class.

For Carrying Greyhounds.

The present popularity of greyhound racing amongst the general public and the opening of many courses in different parts of the country has led to the wide use of special types of commercial motor vehicle for the transport of dogs taking part in the races.

A typical van used for this work is shown in an accompanying illustration, this being one of two ordered by the Wimbledon Motor Works for the South London Greyhound Racing Co. The basis of the van is the Dennis 30-cwt. chassis, and the body which it carries measures 10 ft. by 6 ft. 6 ins. by 5 ft. 6 ins. It has two oval windows at each side, which are protected by bars and provided on the inside with glazed sliding shutters. Four ventilators are also fitted at each side, together with two at the rear, it being realized that the provision of ample means for obtaining a constant supply of fresh air for the interior is of the utmost importance on a v6hicle used for carrying animals.

Access to the interior is obtained through a sliding door in the driver's compartment, or by way of a wide ramp at the rear. This ramp is formed by the rear panel of the body and, when raised, is held securely by two cotters. The two wheelarches are boxed in to form seats for attendants at each side, cushions and back squabs being provided. Other fittings include an electric light and two hinged windows in the roof. The interior is capable of accommodating 20 dogs at a time.

Greenock's Fire-engine Purchase.

The fire-brigade committee of the Greenock Corporation recently decided to replace its old fire-engine with a machine of a modern type and, after receiving specifications from a number of makers of such appliances, carried out a test with a Halley 500-gallon turbine engine. Deep-lift tests from the Albert Harbour were undertaken, whilst the machine was put through Its

paces on the road to ascertain ..itshillclimbing capabilities, its speed performance and the efficiency of its braking system. That the machine performed satisfactorily is indicated by the fact that the committee has placed an order with Halley Motors, Ltd., for one of these engines, equipped with a 60-ft. sliding-carriage fire escape.

American Production in 1927.

According to an advice from New York 3,336,000 motor vehicles of all types were produced in America during 1927, the value of the total output being given as £507,000,000. In 1925 the number of companies in the United States producing motor vehicles was 800, but at the end of 1927 this figure was 262. It is said that the absorption

of some of the ,snialler enterprises by the larger companies is the reason for this decrease.

Books on Transport.

McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., 6 and 8, Bouverie Street, London, E.C.4, has sent us a copy of a catalogue in which a wide range of books dealing with various phases of transport and allied subjects is listed. Quite a,number of them deal with automobile engineering, from the constructional, repOring and operating points of view.

A French Agricultural-machinery Show.

The eighth annual Agriculturalmachinery Show, which will include a section for farm tractors, motor ploughs, etc., is to be -held at the Part des Expositions, Paris, from January 19th to 27th next. According to a return just to hand 212 motor lorries and chassis were imported into the Argentine Republic during April last, as compared with 298 in the corresponding month a year ago. Of the total no fewer than 175 vehicles or over 82 per cent, are credited to the United States, Italy being credited with nine Lancias, Germany with 16—of which nine were Bussings, and Belgium with one ; Great Britain does not figure in the list for April.

The same report shows that no fewer than 89 motor tractors were imported into the Argentine during April last, as against 52 in the corresponding month a year ago. Of the total, 70 machines are credited to the United States, six to Germany, five each to Prance and Spain, two to Great Britain and one to Belgium.

A New Idea in Luggage Accommodation on Coaches.

In this country the general practice on coaches used for long-distance work is to accommodate luggage in side lockers, in a boot at the rear, or, in the case of vehicles having a fixed top, on a portion of the roof which is railed in. In America, however, a new type of body has recently been produced in which the roof is so shaped that luggage can be carried inside the body on shelves which are disposed over the seats.

' The shelves are constructed of mahogany and extend across the coach for almost the widthof the seats, being Supported from the roof on the gangway sides by polished metal rods connecting with side rails which run the full length of the vehicle. The sections in which the luggage is carried can easily be reached from the central gangway where ,,the headroom is adequate. The roof is built of ash and aluminium and the height at the sides afforded by the unusual position for the luggage enables the side -windows to be raised into the roof.

This new development is the conception of the Bender Body Co., of Cleveland.

Gr.W.R.. Fuel-storage Plans.

With a view to effecting economies in Petrol, the Great Western Railway Co. have decided to extend the use of bulk petrol-storage t plant, and from the beginning of the year installations have been made or authorized at Oswestry, St. Austell, Malvern, Bath, Frome, Newport, Yeovil, Worcester, Helston, Cardiff, Bovey and Birkenhead.

Agricultural Shows in 1929. The 1929 show of the Royal Counties Agricultural Society will be held at Southampton from May 29th to June 1st. A recent conference between this society and the Bath and West Agricultural Society and the Three Counties Agricultural Society has resulted in an agreemenatbeing reached with regard to show dates and the respective shows in 1029 will not clash. B21

The Lorry's Part in Fruit Transport.

A report has recently been issued by the Agricultural Economics Division of the United States Department of Agriculture in conjunction with the New York Food Marketing Research Council, on the supply of fruits to the City of New York. The report draws attention to the marked increase in the use of motor lorries for transporting produce direct from the market gardens, from 20 to 30 per cent, of the supply of the New York market being now conveyed by road.

The survey shows that for about three months in mid-season, New York secures nearly one-third of its peach supplies by motor vehicle, one-fourth of its tomatoes and one-fifth of its apples. Sometimes during the busy season more than one-half the New Jersey produce supply is conveyed by road.

Types of Bearing and Data for Them.

Ransome and Manes Bearing Co., Ltd., Newark-on-Trent, has issued an abridged catalogue dealing with its range of all types of ball and roller bearing, steel balls and rollers. The range of bearings produced by the company is most comprehensive and over 3,000 sizes are made. The various types and their uses are referred to in the catalogue, which also contains brief instructio,is regarding mounting and maintenance, as well as tables giving the limits of accuracy of It. and M. bearings and recommended tolerances for shafts and housings.

A Pressure Equalizer for Twin Tyres.

We have recently heard rumours concerning the existence of a form of tyre-pressure equalizer for use 'with twin rear tyres. The device in question would appear to be a coupling tube of special type, which fits over the valves of the two tyres and which; itself, incorporates a single valve for inflation purposes, thus, as it were, providing the twin tubes with a single valve. Our enquiries in various quarters have produced no information except the above and, we are anxious to discover the

name of the maker of the fitting, always supposing, of course, that the rumours have a solid foundation. Should this paragraph meet the eye of any reader who is able to give us further details in the matter, we shall be glad if he will communicate with us.

A Popular 2-tonner.

Halley Motors, Ltd., Yoker, Glasgow, is experiencing a good demand for its 2-ton light chassis which comes within the 126 tax Emit. Amongst recent buyers of this type are several important Glasgow concerns, including Messrs. Wordie and Co., Montgomerie and Co., Ltd., and the "United Co-operafive Baking Society, Ltd. The company is also completing vehicles against repeat orders received frau Singapore.

Bus Openings in Tripoli.

His Majesty's Consul at Bengasi has recently reported the inauguration of several transport services in Tripoli and he suggests that there might be an opportunity for a few light motorbuses in that territory, should this movement continue to make headway. Those concerns interested in the supply of British vehicles to this market can obtain further particulars on application to the Department of Overseas Trade, 35. Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, reference AX6705 being quoted.

Austin Developments in France.

It is stated that a company is about to be formed, under the title of Societe des Automobiles Rosengart, to exploit in France certain patents of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd. A point of particular interest to readers of this journal is that it is intended to specialize in the production of Austin Seven chassis fitted with light van bodies for tradesmen's use. There is already an offshoot of the parent company established in France, but the new concern will not, we are told, clash with its activities.

Motorcycle Engines for Industrial Trucks.

The Coventry Victor Motor Co., Ltd., of Coventry, has lately secured an order for 16 air-cooled engines from the Great Western Railway Co. The engines are to be used in connection with the conversion of electric industrial trucks at the Swindon railway works to petrolelectric vehicles.

Stromherg Accessories.

Stroroberg Motor Devices, Ltd., Milman's Street, London, S.W.10, has just issued a price list dealing with its carburetters and other accessories, these including windscreen wipers, petrol filters, air cleaners and shock absorbers.

Level-crossing Accidents in America.

According to a report recently prepared by the American Bureau of Public Roads, the number of deaths caused by accidents at level-crossings in the United States increased from 1,652 in 1916 to 2,491 in 1926. Of nearly 6,000 level-crossing accidents, fatal and otherwise, which took place during 1926, 910 involved commercial vehicles. In America, there are 235,158 crossings of this nature, 207,231 of these being unprotected other than by ordinary fixed road signs. The remaining 27,927 were protected by gates, swinging signs, watch-towers, warning bells, etc. Those protected by gates were found to be the least dangerous, whilst it is interesting to note that those equipped only with visible signs were less satisfactory than those only having audible signs. Although American level-crossing conditions are not often in keeping with those obtaining in this country, these figures are nevertheless interesting in view of the recent unfortunate fatal accident at Shepreth.

New Zealand Imports Much Lower. A directory issued by the Wellington (New Zealand) Chamber of Commerce shows that the value of the motor vehicles imported into New Zealand during the year ended December 31st last was f2,037,109, the actual number of vehicles imported being 13,107, only 57i per cent, of the number imported in 1926. The value of such imports in 1925 was 14,146,133 and in 1926 £3,632,277. • . "Northern General" Activities. The Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., of Chester-le-Street, has in hand an extensive building programme, including the erection of the country's largest covered-in bus station at New • castle, the erection of new garages and the extension of existing garages. It is hoped that it will he possible to make a start with the building of the new station at Newcastle, which is to cost approximately £25,000 and will cope with over 12 million passengers per year, in the next week or two. In addition, the company is extending its Bensham garages to accommodate another 25 vehicles, making it capable of housing in all about 90 machines. A new garage is to be built at South Shields to accommodate between 40 and 50 vehicles.

More Long-distance Services from Nottingham.

Barton's Transport, Ltd., which already runs buses from Nottingham to Leicester, Ashby and Derby, has just inaugurated a long-distance bus service between Nottingham and Birmingham, and we are told that future plans of the company include the institution of a service between Nottingham and London.

Result of a Herne Bay Appeal. The Ministry of Transport has heard an appeal by Messrs. Khan and Stanton against the refusal of the Herne Bay Urban District Council to grant licences in respect of four motor buses. On the suggestion of the Ministry's inspector the firm signed an undertaking to comply with certain . conditions of the council, which has now issued licences for three vehicles to run on a regular service between Whitstable and Herne Bay.

Rotherham's Bus Bill.

Under the provisions of the Rotherham Corporation Bill relating to trolleybuses and motorbuses, powers were sought to run vehicles on main roads in Nottinghamshire within a 15-mile radius of Rotherham. The Notts County Council raised an objection to this point, as a result of whichthe Bill has been modified to provide that the powers shall not be exercised over the county main roads without the consent of the county authority.. •

Argentine Needs Fire-engines.

It is reported from Buenos Aires that there is an opening for the sale of motor fire-engines in many of the smaller towns of the Argentine, where fires are very numerous. •

L.M.S. Road Services in North Wales.

It is stated that the London Midland and Scottish Railway Co. are likely to place their first motorbuses into service in North Wales, so as to link up a number of isolated villages not at present connected by the railway. The company's system of delivering goods and parcels by road motor from central stations to villages in this area has, it is said, already proved quite successful. Recently many lorries have been operating in a large area around Llandudno Junction. Encouraged by the success of their enterprise, it is likely that other depots will be established between Chester and Holyhead.

A Deputation to the Ministry of Transport.

Several important North Yorkshire and Durham traffic problems were discussed when, a few days ago, there attended at the Ministry of Transport a deputation of members of the Teesside Advisory Committee of Licensing Authorities, an organization of which the objects and progress have already been frilly reviewed in this journal. The committee is recommending to the Ministry that all licences shall be submitted to the regional committee and that all local authorities having control over populations of under, 10,000 in any area shall be combined into a composite licensing body, and that all authorities with populations of over 10,000 shall have licensing powers, instead of it being necessary for them to have populations of 20,000 before these powers are granted, as specified in the Road Traffic Bill.

Davidson Bus Bodies in Demand.

Davidson (Trafford Part), Ltd., of Manchester, has recently secured a repeat order for 20 32-seater, singledeck motorbus bodies to. be fitted on Leyland Lion chassis for delivery to the Lancashire United Transport and Power Co., Ltd.

Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., has also placed an order with this companY of bodybuilders for four bus bodies which are to be mounted on chassistior . the Burnley Corporation.

A New Departure in Windscreen Wipers.

The windscreen wiper which we illustrate on this page is the invention of a consulting chemist, its action being partly mechanical and partly chemical. No automatic movement is necessary, as the wiper need only be moved • across the screen at infrequent

intervals. At each movement it spreads across the glass a film of fluid which prevents rain from adhering.

Attached to one of the arms is a small vessel which holds a special fluid. A small duct (B) allows a small quantity of the fluid to escape as the wiper travels across the screen. An opening (A) with a cover is provided for the introduction of the fluid.

The device is not yet on the market but particulars can be obtained from Mr. I. Brook, D.Sc., 27, Fairfax Road, Bedford Park, London, W.4.

Experiments with Double-deckers.

Cape Town Corporation has recommended the issue of a temporary licence to Leylands (S.A.), Ltd., to use a double-deck bus on the streets with a view to enabling experiments as to the suitability of this type of bus for use over certain routes to be carried out. The present regulations only permit the employment of buses of the single-deck type. Should the double-decker prove satisfactory for use an specific routes the corporation will consider the general licensing of this We

Commerciat-vehicle Sales and hirepurchase Specialists.

The Arlington Motor Co. have found it necessary to open a central London office at Morley House, 314, Regent Street, London, W.1, to cope with increased sales and hirepurchase business. • So far as deferred payments are concerned, it may not be generally known that all transactions are financed by the firm themselves.

The Arlington Motor Co. are able to supply leading makes of commercial vehicle and actually undertake the construction of all types of lorry and van body, whilst they have made arrangements with leading coachbuiklers for the early delivery of various types of high-class passenger-carrying body.

1324 Their head office and works are at High Road, Ponders End, London, N., where a comprehensive stock of new and second-hand vehicles is at all times available for inspection. Service branches have been established at Tottenham and Walthatustow.

Street Accidents: The Ministry's Request.

In reference to street accidents, the Ministry of Transport is asking local authorities what they have done, or propose to do, with regard to the recommendations of the advisory committee, including matters dealing with the provision of safety education in schools,subways, removal of road obstructions. better lighting and improvements at corners.

Tyre Equipment for Buses: A Heysham Inquiry.

The Ministry of Transport recently held an inquiry at Heysham into the appeal made by the Heysham and District Motors, Ltd., against the decision of the Heysham District Council not to grant licences for two double-deck buses fitted with solid tyres. For the bus company, Mr. H. I). Wilson said that it was not Possible to run that particular type of bus on pneumatics, but the company did the next best thing by fitting air-core tyres. He pointed out that the road over which the buses ran was an important thoroughfare, 'carrying a large volume of builders' heavy • lorries, which were responsible for much of the vibration to which residents objected.'

Mr. H. C. Ludgate, the tramways manager of the Morecambe Corporation, gave evidence as an expert and said that he did not think that pneumatic tyres would be safe if employed on this occasion en account of the height of the vehicles in question.

Further evidence was given in which it was pointed out that it was not possible to fit pneumatic tyres on these buses, and thus to comply with the council's requirements. We understand that the Ministry's decision in the matter will be announced at a later date.

A Ball-jointed, Aluminiumcased Driving Mirror.

• In view of the recent order of the Ministry of Transport which makes it compulsory on and after October 1St next for heavy motor vehicles to be equipped with driving mirrors, the introduction by the Pennant Manufacturing Co., Ltd., of a fitting of this kind specially intended for commercial work is particularly opportune. This accessory is strongly made and the size of the lens is 6 ins. by 4 ins. A neatly finished, die-oast aluminium frame holds the lens, which is protected from damage by vibration by means of a special rubber ring and spring cushion in the housing.

The removal of four screws allows the back of the housing to be taken out so that the lens can be replaced by another should it be broken.

The mirror•is readily adjustable and gives a wide view of the road to the rear. It can be supplied, if required, with a clip attachment to fit over the

screen upright instead of that fitting which we illustrate on this page. With a convex lens the Pennant mirror sells at -17s. 6d. and with a flat lens at 15s. 9d.

It may be mentioned that the London agents for Pennant accessories, which are manufactured at Reddings Lane, Sparkhill, Birmingham, and which include tools of various kinds, are Messrs. Woodcock and Covington, of 9 Upper John Street, London, W,1.

A North London By-pass.

Provisional approval has been given by the Ministry of Transport to the scheme for the construction of a new by-pass road at Barnet. It will turn eastwards off the Great North Road, about a quarter of a mile south of Barnet Hill, and follow a route across the old Barnet horse-fair fields, rejoining the Great North Road at Hadley, north of Barnet. The' Hertford County Council -will undertake the construction of the new road, the cost of which will be equally shared by the council and the Ministry. It is expected that the new road will relieve congestion in Barnet High Street and that it will be largely used by road traffic travelling. from London to the north of England and Scotland. Morris-Commercials for Every Trade.

The commercial-vehicle department of Stewart and Ardern, Ltd., 371, Easton Road, London, N.W.1, has just issued a particularly well-illustrated loose-leaf catalogue, the types of vehicle which are shown serving to give adequate support to the company's slogan that it sells " A Body for Every Trade."

There are sections set aside for the 10-cwt., the light tonner, the heavyduty 1-ton model and the 30-cwt. chassis, and in each of them a brief specification is included, as well as a few particulars of the different vehicles illustrated, these being for use in a wide variety of business channels. Apart from the more orthodox types which are referred to, there is a number of models for use in specific classes of trade. In addition there are vehicles possessing municipal applications and others for the use of commercial travellers.

Motor Vehicles in New South Wales.

In the first six months of this year the number of motor lorries in New South Wales increased by about 10 per cent. The uncertainty in the minds of motorbus owners as to the intentions of the Government in regard to road transport is reflected in the very slight increase in the number of these vehicles —less than 2 per cent, for the half-year. There are 209,659 motor vehicles in New South Wales, of which 141,329 are cars.

Lincolnshire Traffic and Road Repairs.

At a recent meeting of the Ke.steven County Council it was reported that motor traffic in that part of Lincolnshire, especially coach i and bus traffic, continues to increase rapidly on all main roads, necessitating more constant attention being given to surface repairs. The total. expenditure on main roads during the year ended March last was £109,420. The sum of £39,850 was also spent on road--widening schemes.

A 15-cwt. Chassis Required.

We have an inquiry for a chassis with a load capacity not exceeding 15 ewt. and in whichthe engine must be constructed as a unit with the gearbox, but the flywheel housing must be open at the top. We shall be glad if makers who produce such a vehicle will communicate with us.

Sunderland's Purchase. Sunderland Corporation has recently purchased, at a cost of £16,000, a large establishment for conversion into an up-to-date motorbus and tramway depot. It will be reconstructed to provide accommodation for a fleet of 24 Inises and 18 tramcars and will be provided with workshops.

New Midland Fast Services.

The ordinary services of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., between Birmingham and Worcester, comprising about 25 arrivals and the same number of departures daily, over a route of 25 miles, has been augmented by the addition of three fast limited-stop buses in each direetion. This new facility makes it possible for Passengers to complete the through journey much quicker than they can do on the ordinary buses and by relieving _ those vehicles of some of the long-distance traffic gives more local accommo dation. Buses start from Birmingham at 11.30 a.m., 3 p.m. and 6.15 p.m., and from Worcester at 9.45 a.m., 1.30 p.m. and 3.40 p.m.

Buses and Lorries in Cuba.

An official return lately issued shows that there are now 1,558 motorbuses registered in Cuba as compared with 1,053 a year ago, an increase of about 47 per cent, during the twelve months. During the same period the number of vans and lorries registered on the island advanced from 8,458 to 10,604.

A New Registration.

Samuelson New Transport Co., Ltd., was registered as a private company on August 18th with a nominal capital of £500 in £1 shares, to acquire the business of the Samuelson New Transpoit Co., carried on at 81 and 81a, Page Street and 34, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, to adopt an agreement ,iyith S. II. Hole and to carry on the

business of motorbus and motor-coach proprietors. The registered office is at 34, Victoria Sheet, London, S.W.1.

Municipal Purchases and Proposals.

GLASGOW Watch Committee now recommends that instead of purchasing two fire-engines at a cost of about £1,500 each it would be Preferable to Purchase three light engines of a newer type, which would cost about £900 each.

CHESHIRE County Council has authorized the purchase of a Dennis lorry at _a cost of £420.

In connection with the proposal of the STRETFORD Urban District Council to purchase a motor ambulance, a subcommittee has been appointed to inspect various chassis.

LEEDS Guardians are inviting tenders for the supply of a 25-85 lip. Daimler Bradford-type ambulance, as well as a Daimler chassis of the same type upon which will be fitted an ambulance body now at the Guardians' institution. Tenders have to be delivered by September 1st. The Motor Trade of Ceylon in 1927.

A comprehensive survey of the motor trade of Ceylon in 1927 is contained in the report which was read at the recent annual meeting of the Ceylon Motor Traders' Association. Amongst other details, the report states that the prices of motor vehicles continued to show progressive but slight reductions, although the volume of business transacted appeared to be less than in 1926. The number of motor lorries and busei imported was 19 per cent. less than in 1926. In spite of the decrease of the total number of vehicles imported, the number of cars and lorries imported from the United Kingdom was greater than in 1926.

The growing keenness of competition produced a dangerous tendency towards a too yielding and generous attitude to buyers' demands, which have kept on in creasing. "If this policy be carried much farther," emphasizes the report, "the trade will have itself to blame for the unsatisfactory position created. An effort should be made to check the clanger that threatens."

Railway Buses in the West Country.

Fourteen new bus routes in Devon and Cornwall have been opened up recently by the Great Western Railway Co., and it is officiallystated that arrangements for further developments and extensions are being made. By this time next Year, at the latest, the Great Western Railway Co. expect to be among the largest owners of . such vehicles in the West Country.

The Hutto Cylinder Grinder.

We understand from Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd., 148-150, Gt. Portland Street, London, W.1, that it is now supplying only two grades of stone with the Hutto cylinder grinder. It has been found in practice that these two— roughing and finishing—are sufficient to enable the operator to obtain a high degree of accuracy and finish.