Scam mells galore!
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lahe Hawk was very sorry that he was unable to attend the 7th South of England Scammell Road run held last month at the Hop Farm at Paddock Wood, Kent. It seems that despite the wet weather the event was certainly no washout. Among the Scammells present were a Highwayman and Mountaineer Dumptruck owned by Roget Mortimore and a pair of 1980 Scammell crash tenders from the Fire Museum at RAF Manston. The 40-mile road run was routed through Kent and East Sussex via the Ashdown Forest. As evening fell, back at the Hop Farm, our old friend, writer Bob Tuck {100 years of Heavy Haulage etc etc) gave a riveting presentation which included a slide show. I must make a note not to miss next year's event on 11-12 October.