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bird's eye view by the hawk Commercial Motor takes road

27th November 1997
Page 31
Page 31, 27th November 1997 — bird's eye view by the hawk Commercial Motor takes road
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haulage very seriously. However, once a week our quirky correspondent, the Hawk, steps off his perch to take a humorous look at the industry to keep us all sane. If you have any off-beat yams that illustrate the stranger, or sillier, side of the business, he'd like to hear from you. As a softhearted old bird, he's also happy to publicise charitable works— and is always interested in events for the vintage vehicles he drove as a fledgling. Drop the Hawk a line at Commercial Motor, Bird's Eye View, Rm H203, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS, or fax him on 0181 652 8969.

The balloon men

usiness Express, the 48 hour parcels delivery spe cialist, is celebrating its Silver Jubilee. To mark the event, the company commissioned a silver delivery vehicle to visit all 34 of its sites, enabling all 4,000 employees to join in the festivities. Every one of them received a celebration cake—and very nice too. Town crier Stanley Haigh is pictured here next to Business Express managing director Bill Kelly and the Mayor and Mayoress of Warrington, Cllr Roy and Jean Humphreys. The heliumfilled silver balloons were launched outside the company's head office at Woolstone. All together now.. "Happy birthday!"