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Pugh issues an ultimate warning for overloading

27th November 1997
Page 23
Page 23, 27th November 1997 — Pugh issues an ultimate warning for overloading
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Nuneaton tipper operator KSD (Haulage Contractors) has been warned that a pending overloading conviction must be its last.

The company, which held a licence for 30 vehicles and three trailers, appeared at a Birmingham disciplinary inquiry before West Midland TC John Mervyn Pugh. It had previously had a warning in August 1993 after being heavily fined for tachograph offences.

For the company, Michael Carless said there had been no tachograph convictions recorded against it since. One driver had been convicted of a 4.5-hour driving offence and another of falsifying a tachograph record, but the company had not been prosecuted. There had been three convictions for overloading and a fourth was pending.

"You have had your last over

loading offence," Mervyn Pugh told KSD's two directors, James Higgs and Paul Dosanjh. "If you get any more you will be in very serious trouble."

Carless pointed out that the company was operating in a vulnerable field as far as overloading was concerned. He added that not all the records were available when a vehicle examiner visited the company as they had been taken by the police during an investigation. Higgs said he believed they had them back and the police had indicated they were not going to proceed with any prosecution.

A conviction for using an untaxed vehicle arose because the company had not received a reminder, said Higgs. Asked why a number of vehicles were untaxed, he said the company could not get enough drivers.

Mervyn Pugh cut the company's licence authorisation to 26 vehicles and three trailers.