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Irish hauliers face cowboys

27th November 1997
Page 11
Page 11, 27th November 1997 — Irish hauliers face cowboys
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by David Craik • More than 20% of all goods moved in Ireland are being handled by illegal hauliers because clients are happy not to ask too many questions as long as its cheap, claims the Irish Road Haulage Association.

IRHA president John Guilfoyle says it is time Irish industry was reminded that it is breaking Irish and European law by using cowboys. Failing this, he warns, law-abiding Irish hauliers forced into "an uncompetitive situation" will take "spectacular action to solve the problem themselves with our support".

Guilfoyle is not saying what this action might involve, but hints that it could be on a par with the demonstration by Dublin Port hauliers in May.

"The whole of Irish industry is not checking strongly enough whether hauliers are legal or not," he adds. "The police are doing all they can, as are the Government but not industry. It turns a blind eye. We are asking it to uphold the law," The RHA and the Irish Department of Transport are writing to industry bodies and companies to "make them more aware of their activity."