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Wiper control

27th June 1969, Page 74
27th June 1969
Page 74
Page 75
Page 74, 27th June 1969 — Wiper control
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From Implex Controls and Systems Ltd., a windscreen wiper control which provides a timed, single wipe, readily adjustable to suit weather conditions.

In heavy rain the wiper may be operated at its maximum speed and in light rain or drizzle it can be set to operate at as low a speed as one stroke every 30sec.

One of the lmplex system's major advantages over normal wiper speed control is that the full power of the wiper is always available: even when travelling behind vehicles in dirty road conditions, the wiper will effectively clean the screen.

The electrical fitting of the Implex control is simple. It is only necessary to connect three wires from the control unii in parallel with the existing wires that connect to the wiper. The mechanical fixing only requires a single hole of 3/8in. diameter which may be situated conveniently on the instrument fascia.

Made by: Implex Controls and Systems Ltd., Implex House, Castle Street. Dover, Kent.