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Q I run a fleet of 8-ton tipping vehicles, most

27th June 1969, Page 69
27th June 1969
Page 69
Page 69, 27th June 1969 — Q I run a fleet of 8-ton tipping vehicles, most
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of which are at least five years old, and in the case of two of the tippers I have been unable to find a cure for clutch judder. In one case a new clutch has been fitted, but the judder persists Could you suggest a cause and a cure?

AClutch judder can be caused by loss of

resilience of the engine mounting-pads. When a clutch is engaged, there is inevitably a stage at which the two friction surfaces alternately "slip" and "stick", which may be compared with the slip-stick phenomenon that is characteristic of brake application and can cause brake squeal.

If the state of the engine mountings is such that the engine can oscillate at a frequency equivalent to that of the slip-stickfrequency of the clutch during engagement, matching of the two frequencies can cause judder. Renewal of the mountings should cure the trouble.