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New Liverpool test centre

27th June 1969, Page 44
27th June 1969
Page 44
Page 44, 27th June 1969 — New Liverpool test centre
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• A total of £30,000 has been spent by Thomas S. Whitney and Co. Ltd., Great Howard Street, Liverpool 3, on a goods vehicle maintenance and test centre to serve fleets in and around Liverpool. Opening date for the new facility, believed to be the most extensive of its kind in the Liverpool area, was June 18. Whitney is a main dealer for Cummins engines and Ford trucks, but all types and makes of commercial vehicle can be handled, including maximum length (49ft 3in.) and maximum capacity (32 tons g.c.w.) artics.

Normal hours of business are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. During normal hours the phone number is 051-207 3377.