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Purle gets strong in Scotland

27th June 1969, Page 43
27th June 1969
Page 43
Page 43, 27th June 1969 — Purle gets strong in Scotland
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• Purle Bros. TrIoldings Ltd., the waste disposal company, announced plans on Tuesday to develop its business in Scotland in a big way by means of a tie-up with Mr. James Hanson's Wiles Group.

Through its Scottish Land Development subsidiary, the Wiles Group has been researching the industrial waste disposal field north of the Border for some time. Now, following discussions between Mr. Tony Morgan, Purle chairman, and Mr. Kenneth Osborne, chairman of SLD, a new company, SLD Purle (Scotland) Ltd., has been set up to carry out waste disposal at any or all of SLD's existing 14 depots throughout Scotland.

Ownership of the new company will be split 50/50 between SLD and Purle. Its chairman will be Mr. Morgan and other directors will be Mr. Stan Higham (who has run Purle's northern interests for some time), Mr. Osborne and Mr. William Armstrong (SLD). General manager will be Mr. Ian Henry, from the only existing Purle depot in Scotland, situated in Glasgow.

Also announced by Purle's chairman is the acquisition through the newly created subsidiary Purle Waste Disposal (Thames) Ltd.. of the dry waste division of the business carried on jointly in Essex by George Batten Ltd., J. C. Brain Ltd.. and Charles . W. Mason (Hornchurch) Ltd. This purchase will enable the Purle Group to consolidate its London municipal business under one company. A recently awarded GLC contract for moving over 100,000 tons of refuse will be controlled by this new subsidiary. The activities of Purle Waste Disposal (Thames) Ltd. will be directed by Mr. Charles Brain, of J. C. Brain Ltd.