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Seven Dyson detachable goose-neck models

27th June 1969, Page 42
27th June 1969
Page 42
Page 42, 27th June 1969 — Seven Dyson detachable goose-neck models
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• Seven different models of low-loader semi-trailers with detachable front-end goosenecks for loading and unloading purposes are now offered by R. A. Dyson and Co. Ltd. The full range provides for payloads from 20 to 60 tons and is now in full-scale production.

The Dyson detachable goose-neck models are of two types. Type 822 has a twin-tyred tandem-axle sprung bogie and there are four versions, for 20, 25, 30 and 35 ton loads. Type 823 has an unsprung bogie with eight single-tyred wheels and the three versions have capacities of 40, 50 and 60 tons.

The model 822 /20---the 20-tonner in the 822 range—is usually able to carry its full load under normal C and U Regulations and the higher-capacity models in this category are plated so that they can carry a useful payload under C and U Regulations even though their full capacities can only be achieved under Special Types operation.

All seven Dyson detachable goose-neck semi-trailers can be supplied with an extensive range of options to meet a customer's requirements. For example, the rear end of the bed can be made detachable from the running gear assembly, outrigger brackets can be supplied, various widths and lengths of bed are available and timber or steel flooring can be specified.