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'Reign of terror'

27th June 1969, Page 40
27th June 1969
Page 40
Page 40, 27th June 1969 — 'Reign of terror'
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• At a Section 178 inquiry in Aberdeen last week Mr. A. B. Birnie, the Scottish LA, suspended one vehicle belonging to Gordon, Graham, Stewart Ltd., wholesale spirits merchant, Aberdeen, for four months. The company had been called to the 178 inquiry because of immediate prohibitions placed on three vehicles and delayed prohibitions placed on six others by MoT examiners.

It was said on the company's behalf that servicing and repairs had been entrusted to local garages. It was spending £12 per month per vehicle on maintenance but appeared to have been badly let down by one garage.

Mr. Simpson, the assistant manager, said: "It came as a great shock to me when I heard of the prohibitions. Alternative arrangements have now been made."

Turriff Transport Co. Ltd., Turriff, also called to a Section 178 inquiry in Aberdeen on the same day Was given a warning by the LA following convictions by the Aberdeen Sherriff court for overloading offences. Turriff Transport has been convicted three times since February 21, 1968, and fined a total of £40.

Referring to both cases, the LA said "Do

have to institute a reign Of terror? I would be very loath to, but if it is the only way to stamp out these breaches of licence and

ensure public safety, I will do it. Have I got to wait until every haulier in Scotland is called before me before I get this tidied up?"