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Ill and M62 widening plans

26th September 2002
Page 7
Page 7, 26th September 2002 — Ill and M62 widening plans
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

MI The Freight Transport Association has welcomed proposals for the widening of two of Yorkshire's busiest motorways, the MI and M62, as part of a .i700m scheme to tackle congestion on motorways and trunk roads in the North.

The South and West Yorkshire Multi Modal Study {SWYMMS) examined congestion on the Me M62, Al/A1 (MI and M18. Other proposals include: the introduction of access controls on entry slip roads: segregated lanes for priority vehicles; and road charging.

The report, by transport consultants Mt/A, also predicts that goods vehicle traffic will increase by 40-60% over the next 20 years.

Ministers will consider views later this year before making a final decision early next year.

• A planned motorway could link the M6 and the M56 south-west of Manchester by 2010, but faces stiff opposition from local residents.