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Scots' new limit

26th September 1981
Page 7
Page 7, 26th September 1981 — Scots' new limit
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

CENTRAL Regional Council roads committee proposes to in troduce a three-ton weight res.

triction in the centre of Grange. mouth. Residents in the Bo'nest

Road area have been cam, paigning for measures to bt taken to stop tankers and othei large vehicles passing througt the town.

Roads director Forbes Keith told the committee that variout other measures had been triec without success.

"We want to prevent heal') traffic going through the towr centre and this weight restrictior measure should have the de sired effect," he said.

Freight Transport Associatior Scottish controller Gordon Dou gall told CM this week that thr FTA and Central Regional Coun cil are now pressing the Scottisl Office to construct a multi access motorway interchange a Grangemouth, as this would bi a more satisfactory long-tern solution to the problem.

He said that traffic managE ment, and advisory routes for B tanker drivers had already ease the problem, although the FTA i not opposing the lorry ban itsell