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26th November 1937
Page 7
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Disagreernent concerning the nomination _of employers' representatives for appointment on the Central Board for the regulation of wagea•a.nd conditions in goods road .transport, the setting ;up of which has beenrecommended by the Baillie Committee, was indicated at a meeting of the transport section of Bradford Chamber of Trade.

'Mr. Fred Pickering, hon. secretary of the section, said that certain national as-sociations*of operators had indicated to the Minister of Transport their desire to nominate directly, as national bodies, representatives for appointment to the Central Board. There was much opposition to such a procedure among operators in Yorkshire and elsewhere, added Mr. PiCkering, -Who suggested that, if if were adopted, members of the employers' panel of the old -National Joint Conciliation Board would probably reappear as national representatives on the new Central Board.

'.' What • we say," added Mr. Pickering, "is that the Central Board should comprise only employers' and employees' representatives from the Area Boards, plus the three independent 'representatives suggested by the Baillie Committee."

Steps have, it is understood, been taken to organize and put forward .the opposition voiced by Mr. Pickering.

Illumination Engineer _Required.

A vacancy is available for a young illumination engineer with a knowledge of technical optics, particularly in conjunction with the design of motor vehicle, pocket, miners' and street lamps, searchlights, etc. He must be a first-class draughtsman. The salary will be from £260-£800 and the prospects are good. Letters addressed "illumination Engineer," care of the Editor, will be forwarded.

Ferguson Tractor Demonstrations.

In conjunction with its distributors and agents, Ferguson-Brown, Ltd., Huddersfield, is arranging practical demonstrations of the Ferguson tractor and farming machinery in various parts of the country. One of the first of these was held last week at Brackley, Northants, having been organized by S. and W. Motors, Ltd., Northampton, and Mr. P. S. Alcock, the local agent.

The demonstration, which took place during two days, was largely attended by farmers and landowners.

10 Pumps at Birmingham Fire.

In addition to that drawn from mains, 2,400,000 gallons of water were pumped from a neighbouring canal by Birmingham Fire Brigade in an effort to subdue a fire recently at Messrs. Rudders and Paynes' timber yard. The fire was the largest in Birmingham for many years.

Old and new fire-engines played a successful part in fighting the fire. One nine year's old Leyland machine pumped continuously for 27 hours whilst a new 600-800 g.p.m. fire-engine -of the same Make, commissioned by the brigade only four weeks ago, pumped for 17 hours. In all, 10 pumps, consuming 797 gallons of petrol, were at work during the major part of the time. and 22 jets were in continuous use.