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"Trying to Defeat Transport Act

26th May 1950, Page 37
26th May 1950
Page 37
Page 37, 26th May 1950 — "Trying to Defeat Transport Act
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

-A CONCERTED effort is being made on the part of the road transport people, on both the road haulage and the passenger sides, to defeat the ends of the Transport Act," said Mr. P. Morris, M.P., president of the Railway Clerks' Association, at the Association's conference at Scarborough, last week.

Conservative dominated local authorities and large companies were spending a tremendous amount of money in propaganda to defeat the declared purpose of Parliament and prevent the establishment of a properly co-ordinated and integrated transport service. In many cases this was clone in the name of private enterprise.

He suggested that the Labour Government should not be so sensitive to the claims of the great companies. The conference carried a resolution urging the speeding up, in particular, of the acquisition of road passenger transport services.

Another. resolution, calling for the re-organization of transport administration, was rejected on the advice of the treasurer. The resolution described the structure of the British Transport Commission as top-heavy and uneconomic.