Improved Handling Methods Needed
Page 36
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CIA STRONG recommendation that
immediate attention should be given to improved methods of handling materials, is contained in the report of a British team of experts which visited America to study the subject.
The report s.tys that the Americans regard the handling of materials as among the principal factors affecting the cost of living. Improved handling methods in American factories are reducing indirect labour costs, raising the capacity of existing buildings, increasing the Volume of turnover, cutting down the amount of work in progress and lowering transport cost", Directors, managers, architects and engineers are urged to study the best handling practices in their own industries: Individual companies are recommended to determine the handling costs of sample components on each operation, rather than to treat them collectively as an on-cost of production.
Engineering institutions, associations representing management and trades, the T.U.C., the Federation of British Industries and the British Employers' Federation are asked to give a lead in the improvement of handling methods.