R.H.E. to Deal With Clearing Houses
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ARRANGEMENTS have been mada between the Road Haulage Executive, the Road Haulage Association, and the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses for the R.H.E. to accept traffic from clearing houses. In a notice to members, the Conference states:
" Members are advised that following the recent interview between the Conference and the R.H.A. clearing house group with the R.H.E., new arrangements are being made governing the acceptance of traffic by the RILE. from clearing houses.
"With effect as from June I, R.H.E. groups most accept traffic from suitable clearing houses at quoted net rates only and all goods will be carried on the conditions of carriage of that group.
"It is understood: that •the rates referred to will not necestarily be increased to a rate equal to the net rate obtained by the clearing house from the customer, provided that the quoted rate is commercially, acceptable.
"Group managers have been informed that while it is naturally desirable to, load R.H.E. vehicles through R.H.E. groups and depots, there is no objection to traffic being accepted from clearing houses on the above terms.
"The surcharge of 7f per cent. recently announced by the R.H.E. will be added to the quoted net rate as a separate item."