One Hears
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Of buying in baulk.
Without seeing very well at some lantern lectures promoted by learned bodies.
That a Polish concern is building a light agricultural tractor named the Ursus, The remark—" They X-ray everything these days, from your teeth to youi tyres."
Of the "watchmaker's accuracy needed for making bus-body parts interchangeable.
• That many bus builders consequently have a new acquaintance with those elusive "thous."
That the motor driver and the pedestrian each thinks that the other has all the fun.
That what the average Briton requires is the stimuhis of hope, not wailings concerning his doom.
That British Oxygen is doing its best to revive us Of Australia Stoke-ing up That " underbody coating" sprayed to a thickness of * in. is becoming popular in America.
That, apart from protection, it acts as a sound deadener Of many thrifty Britons who say, "Why give our money for the Government to squander?"
That many Americans have been opposing the Marshall plan on the same grounds.
That this year marks the Dunlop Diamond Jubilee—and the concern is not tired yet.
That a coach, a "sweep," an amateur "bookie" and the Grand National Broadcast made a wonderful combination at Symond's Yat?
Of the Editor being so enamoured with the John Watts' Beaufort Hotel, Tintern, that he had to hire a taxi to catch the departed coach.
Oh, Cuthbertl—what a bore.
That tetra-ethyl lead is not a friend of mica.
Of the B.T.C.preparing to seal the doom.
That D.D.T. will not kill the rate cutting bug. _ That the Horla may cut prices even if the haulier does not.
That the next chairman of the N R.T.F is unlikely to be a haulier.
That we must work like blazes unless we want Britain to go there.
That although we sometimes have frosts in May, we must not let the B.I.F.
be one. , 0 That, so far, the greatest discovery of our age has not proved an atom of use to industry.