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Two Bus Companies to be Acquired

26th August 1955, Page 43
26th August 1955
Page 43
Page 43, 26th August 1955 — Two Bus Companies to be Acquired
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'THE first step towards the complete I nationalization of the bus industry in Madhya Pradesh, India, will be taken next month by the acquisition of the Central Provinces Transport 'Services and the Provincial Transport Co., which, between them, cover some 1,600 miles and carry a fifth of the traffic in the State.

The State Government and the Indian Government already hold 84 per cent. of the share capital of Rs.5.4m. of the two companies, who are stated to be making a profit of Rs.2no. a year. Some 250 buses are involved.

A Road Transport Corporation is to be set up with a capital of Rs.20in. The State Government and . the Indian Government will each have a 40-percent. holding, the remaining 20 per cent. being available to the public, including private operators.

Mr. T. Jain, chief minister of Madhya Bharat, said that initially only passenger transport would be nationalized, SEALING BY GUN

A GUN for the application of Seelas

tik flex ible sealing compound has been produced by Expandite, Ltd., Chase Road. London, N.W.10. When the gun is loaded with a Handipak refill containing the compound, pressure on the trigger of the gun has the effect of forcing out the compound into the hole or joint which requires sealing.

Complete with one refill, the gun kit sells for 25s.


I RISI-E road transport services earned 112,410,044 during the first six months of this year, compared with £2,342,888 a year earlier. Of the total revenue, Dublin city and suburban bus services brought in £1,563,261, compared with £1,496,406 for the corresponding period last year. Cross-border traffic realized £70,579, a decrease of £1,847.