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Q I am about to take over a vehicle fitted

25th November 1966
Page 69
Page 69, 25th November 1966 — Q I am about to take over a vehicle fitted
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with radial-cord, braced tread tyres. Would you comment on their driving characteristics in view of adverse comment I have received from some quarters?

AThere is no need for you to be unduly

worried about the performance to be expected with this type of tyre. There should be no difference in grip on the road compared with cross-ply textiles. In fact reports suggest that radial-steel cord tyres give better adhesion. On the other hand reports also suggest that although "breakaway" is delayed, when it does occur there is little warning.

Reduced wear, or increased tyre life, and better acceleration with radial tyres are the result of a reduction in "scuffle" of the tread in contact with the road because of the braced tread and reduced roiling resistance due to the thin side-walls. For the same reason they also run cooler. It is agreed, however, that the steering of a vehicle fitted with such tyres at the front feels a bit "waffly" but braking should not be affected. They are certainly as safe as any other tyre.