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25th November 1919
Page 25
Page 25, 25th November 1919 — THE NEW 30-40 H.P. BERLIET LORRY.
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F0 replace the old 4-ton Bernet, which before the waif was known to Some txtent in this eciuntry (but, of course,. lad a great reputation • in France, 'and ens greatly appreciated by the French Army during hostilitieS), Berbet Motors, 'Ad., are placing on this 'market a' new thamis, the desigrirof ;Which-is-largely:the tutcorne of experience gained during the

var. The conitruction of sortieof--:tha...-letails incorporated in the chassis-reflects'

his feature very. clearlSr: The engine 15 fothi-cylindered, of 11,0 um, bore by 140 mm. stroke, so giving

a Treasury rating of 30 h.p., which shows an advance on the earlier model. .of a mrminal 5 h.p. The cylinders tire east

in pairs, with all valves on the one side, orotected by covers as useali., -The Coial: Lug i6 carried out thermo:syphonically.

['he governor, encased,is diSPOsed on the valve aide, and is driven ty a right

angle shaft off, the camshaft. It works a small butterfly, Which comes into action al. 1,250-revs...per tninute, and ...hrettles down the gas supply. The

crankshaft is carried, five•siabstantial bearings.

The power is tranSmitted through a multiple-plate clutch to the gearbox,

whiol is suspended at three points, the forward support being, spring held. Four forward speeds and reverse are provided. The countershaft and differential gear are combined with the change_ speed gear in the one unit. The final • drive is by chairs, of la in. pitch, to the cast-steel rear wheels, the rear axle being a solid forging. The foot brake acts, as usual, on the differential, and the hand brakes, which are internal-expanding, act on the road

wheels. All the wheels are on _roller • bearings, . and the rear spring-a are un derslung. . .

The frame is of pressed steel 9 ins.. deep at its deepest point. , Substantial

hooks are riveted into the forward ends of the side''members, and to the rear ends. The cross Members are substan tial, and well gusseted on the corners,

and are riveted in .place. The overall

length of the vehicle is 22 ft., and its greatest width 7 ft.-, whilst the wheel base is 14 ft. and track 6 ft.-6 ins. The wheels are shod with 950 min. by 170

min, solid tyres on the front wheels, and with 1,030 man. by 160 nun. twin tyres on the roar wheels. The standard body gives a 13 ft. by . 6 ft. 6 in. platform space.

Practically immediate deliveries can be given, the price of the vehicle with standard body and all equipment being

The reputation of the Berliet productions, standing as-it dees at a high coupled with the. fact that, 'excellent service will be given by the London house (Berliet Motors, Ltd., 40, Sackville Street, 1717:), Jas. tifies close attention to the claims for the new \Thiele by pros. pectivtand,present British users.