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Better deal for drivers

25th May 1979, Page 31
25th May 1979
Page 31
Page 31, 25th May 1979 — Better deal for drivers
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AS ANCASSISTANT fleet superintendent at the Post Office supplies department, I am always aware of the public's criticisms of the way the Post Office operates, but I can assure you our department, which supplies all the Post Office engineer stores in the South Eastern area, is very efficient.

I will say our drivers are very well paid compared with general haulage. We are on a 371/2-hour week at present and this year we go down to a 35-hour week.

Our drivers do about 10 hours overtime and even on a five-ton vehicle earn about £106 for five. days, plus £.12.95p for a night out. That is about £4.95p better than general haulage; on top of that, drivers get £1.39p per day meal allowance if they cannot get back to our depot for their lunch.

General Haulage Companies should pay their drivers more and improve their conditions. Then, like the Post Office, they would get a better type of driver and worker. I would also add that our drivers get all their clothes for work supplied. General haulage operators are too greedy. I say this to them: give your drivers a better deal, you're too greedy and the condition of your vehicles gives rise to concern — some of them shouldn't be allowed on the roads. Take a page out of the Post Office's book — better pay and better conditions.

Cut your profits and give your drivers a better deal, they are some of the hardest workers in British industry, I say.

ALEC COOPER, Crayford, Kent.