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to go to appeal

25th May 1979, Page 25
25th May 1979
Page 25
Page 25, 25th May 1979 — to go to appeal
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AFTER a lengthy hearing al the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioners, Cosmos Coach Tours lost its third application to run British coach tours for UK-based passengers.

A submission that there was no case to answer (CM, May 18) put forward by the thre€ main objectors to the application was upheld by the Traffic Commissioners, who decided that Cosmos had not presented a case to justify its proposed operation. The firm had supported its application with evidence in the form oi questionnaires from Con tinental tour customers an potential British customer: and had made its applicatior under the name of Trave House (Luton), an experience( and reputable UK coact operator; it also producec evidence of its financia viability.

The three objectors, Natio. nal Travel, Glentons and Wal. lace Arnold, contested that th( questionnaires were inaccur ate in some respects and coulc lead to false conclusions.

Cosmos is to appeal agains the Traffic Commissioners decision.