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Poison exposure limits

25th May 1979, Page 21
25th May 1979
Page 21
Page 21, 25th May 1979 — Poison exposure limits
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A REVISED list of recommended limits for airborne concentrations of over 500 potentially toxic substances has been published by the Health and Safety Executive.

Of particular interest to hauliers involved in the movement of chemicals are the limits known as Threshold Limit Values. They are listed for two types of exposure: the concentration to which most workers may be exposed on a time-weighted average for eight hours a day over a 40hour working week, and the short-term exposure limit or maximum concentration to which a worker can be exposed for up to 15 minutes without adverse effects.

The publication, entitled Threshold Limit Values for 1978, publication number EH15/78, is available from HM Stationery Office, price 30p.