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Benzol director fights revocation

25th July 1996, Page 6
25th July 1996
Page 6
Page 6, 25th July 1996 — Benzol director fights revocation
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• A director of Middlesex-based petrol distributor British Benzol plans to fight all the way to the High Court after the company had its 0-licence revoked, Benzol director Nigel Woods says: "We're going to go the whole way out of principle. We're not trying to pass the buck but we're not a bad company. We've done everything we can but we couldn't have got a worse decision if we were a bent company."

The 23-year-old firm operates 24 vehicles and 11 trailers out of Harefield Oil terminal in

Middlesex. South Eastern and Metropolitan Deputy Traffic Commissioner Richard Prior revoked the company's licence saying it had lost its good reputation. But it has been allowed to continue operating pending an appeal on 12 August.

The Eastbourne inquiry heard that between June and December 1994 the Vehicle Inspectorate found 624 drivers' hours, tachograph and speeding offences committed by 10 of the firm's 27 drivers. A further 101 breaches were found between June and July 1995 and tacho

graph charts for OctoberDecember 1995 revealed 116 days where infringements had occurred. This was the second time the company had been called to public inquiry for the same set of offences.