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All-in-one axle by SAF

25th July 1996, Page 21
25th July 1996
Page 21
Page 21, 25th July 1996 — All-in-one axle by SAF
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by Charles Young • SAF has unveiled its new axle and suspension system which combines low maintenance with high durability and is up to 50kg lighter than conventional axle units.

The SK-INTRAAX is a combination of SAF's SK axle and Hendrickson USA's air suspension system—developed to cope with Europe's diverse road conditions. Production starts in October.

For the first time in commercial construction, axle and suspension are inte grated into a single unit. The suspension arm and axle tube are welded together via a patented circular weld. This makes it lighter than the conventional U-bolt connection and maintenance free.

Weight has also been saved by using high-grade steel in the axle beam and by using a hollow tubular suspension arm.

The front ends of the suspension arms are attached to the chassis via a bush and bolt connection which is also maintenance free. The connection is coated with a low-friction, corrosion-resistant material and can be loosened if necessary.

The brake chambers are attached to the suspension arm eliminating the need for welding on the axle. The chamber bracket is located under the suspension arm close to its pivot point. This minimises its movements during suspension travel and reduces the risk of the chamber being torn off by its own inertia.

Short brake camshafts are made possible by attaching one end to the suspension arm.

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