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Recession kills a bulk tipper firm

25th July 1996, Page 10
25th July 1996
Page 10
Page 10, 25th July 1996 — Recession kills a bulk tipper firm
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Recession in the bulk tipping industry led to the closure of Ely-based bulk tipper Grovemere Distribution this week with the loss of 18 drivers' jobs.

Parent company Grovemere Group is pulling out of the tipping business to concentrate on its property interests. The closure follows an unsuccessful attempt to diversify into curtainsiders and flatbeds.

"We looked at it," says director Steve Butcher, who is still looking for a job, "but the business is no better than what we've got."

Grovemere's trucks have been sold to Stowmarket-clealer Roadtruck in a deal in which each vehicle is handed over as Grovemere's contracts are wound up. The last four are expected to go this week.

"Everybody's flabbergasted," says Butcher. "But in this area good drivers always get snapped up."