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25th February 1988
Page 31
Page 31, 25th February 1988 — ROADWORKS
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• London and the South East

MI London: Closure of hard shoulder and nearside font southbound between Scrotchwood Services and Mill Hill Bridge, M4 Wiltshire: Lane closures and speed restrictions on both carriageways between junctions 1 5 and I 2 (Swindon/ Theole).

MII Essex: Conteaflow between junlions Sand 10 1Bishops Slot/ford( Duxford).

M25 Surrey: Lane restrictions between junctions 11 and 1 3 (Cherhey/Staines) for widening work. From 22-25 February inclusive the inside lane will be closed clockwise from 1 9.00-06.30 hrs between junctions 11 and 12 (Chertsey/ M3).

M27 Hampshire: Flyover constuction continues between the M27 and Rudmore roundabout

Al Bedfordshire: Bridge repairs at Tempsford. Single line ircrffic southbound with c 30mph speed limit. Series peak hour congestion expected.

• The Midlands

MI Northonts: Various off-peak lane closures between junctions 16 and 17 (Northamptort/M45). M5 West Midlands: Various lane closures between junctions 1 and 2 (West Bromwich/Dudley).

M5 Hereford/Worcester: Contraflow between junctions 5 and 6 (Droitwich/ Worcester North). Northbound entry slip at junction 6 closed. le addition, there are various lane restrictions and overnight carriageway closures between junctions 4 and 8 (Brontisgrove/M50). M42 Hereford and Worcester: Lane closures in both directions between junctions 3 and 4 (Binr(ngham South/ A34 Stratford). A46 Leicester: Newark, 2 miles northwards from 4606, traffic signals, MO Nottingham: Mansfield, Papplewick. Adl Whitchurch: Traffic signals. A49 Shrewsbury: near Heothgates Roundabout, Monkrnoor Rd, Shrewsbury, traffic signals. North of Church Streiton, Whitchurch near Preston Broekhurst, traffic signals. A458 Shrewsburyt•Welshpoot crt Ford, traffic signals. A.5/M6 Telford: Stratton, single-lane traffic.

A54 Junction ASOCI; Hanford roundabout, Stoke.

A34 Connnock: at Huntington, traffic signots

A34 Junction A5213: Stone.

A53 Leek: Buxton, Middle Hills, traffic signals.

M60 Wolverhampton: Cannock Shoreskill, traffic signets. M5 Bury St Edmunds: Stowmarket, east of Bury, cornrcrflow. A143 Bury St Edmunds: Diss, A146 Beetles; Lowestoft, Bamby, traffic signals, A146 Lowestoft: diversions.

AS West of Atherstone: near Dordon, delays. A46 Warwick by-pass: contraflow, delays. A46 Kenilworth by-pass; late closures. M23 Southarn: 'Banbury, near Fenny Compton, traffic signals,

• The North

MI South Yorkshire: Lone closures in both directions between junctions 34 and 35 (Rotherham/Sheffield). M6 Cheshire; Off-peak one closures in both directions between junctions 16

and 18 (Kidsgrove/Middlewich). M6 Cheshire: Lane closures in both directions between junctions 20 and 21 )M56/Warrington).

M6 Lancashire: Improvement work starts 29 February. The northbound entry arid exit slips at junction 34 ILancaster) will be closed.

M56 Greater Manchester: Resurfacing and contrallow between junctions 6 and 4 114%57/A5058j. Entry slips onto the motorway from the airport are closed and diversions signed.

M62 Greater Manchester: One lone closed in each direction between junctions 12 and 14 (M63/M61.

M62 West Yorkshire: Contraflcov between junctions 25 and 26 (Brighoue/ M606 Bradfard. Traffic heading for Manchester Airport should allow extra time for journeys. M63 Greater Manchester: Single line traffic between junctions 3 and 6 due to widenng work. Long delays likely. Allow extra time for journeys to Manchester Airport. M63 Greater Manchester: Restrictions for widening of Barton Bridge, Sarkis peak hour congestion.

M63 Greater Manchesier: Construction of flyover at Portwood roundabout, Stockport.

Al (M) South Yorkshire: Contraflow and slip road closures between the 4635 interchange at Mom and the A638 interchange at Redhouse. There are signposted diversions_ lie Wales and the West M4 Wiltshire: Lone 3 closed in both directions east of junction 15 (Swindon) and 50mph speed limit.

M4 Wales: Possible lane closures for crash barrier repairs oi junction 29 (A48M).

M4 Wales: Controflow between junctions 36 and 37 (Bridgend/ Poithccrwl).

M4 Wales: One lane open westbound off-peak iust east of 147 (Swonsea). MS Gloucestershire: Vorious lane closures in both directions between junctions 9 and 1 2 (Tewkesbury/ Gloucester). M5 Somerset: Various lane closures in both directions between junctions 21 and 28 (Vv'estern-Super-Mare/ Cullompton).

• Scotland

M8 Lothian: Eastbound traffic down to hard shoulder only at juedion 3 (A8991. Eastbound entry slip at junction 3 closed. M8 Strathclyde: Eastbound lone closures between junctions 1 6 and 1S (Glasgow city centrerrovmheodl. Eastbound entry slip at junction 16 and eastbound exit slip at junction 1 5 dosed. M9 Central: Inside lane closed in both directions between junctions 5 and 6 (Grangemouth/Falkirk). M9 Central: Junctions 1 0-9 (Stirling) drainage repairs. Southbound inside tone closed.

M74 Strathclyde: Junctions 4-5 (HamiltoolFast Kilbride). Lane closures on both carriageways.

M74 Strathclyde: Southbound lane closures between junctions 6 and 7 1Homitton/Lorkhall). M90/A90 Fife; Single line traffic in both directions on the M90 at junction I. M876 Central: Southbound Lane closures between junction 1 and the MSO.