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Will it be Crystal Palace for LDoY final?

24th September 1971
Page 31
Page 31, 24th September 1971 — Will it be Crystal Palace for LDoY final?
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• The possibility of holding the national finals of the CM-sponsored Lorry Driver of the Year competition at Crystal Palace, London. in future instead of Bramcote, Warwicks, was discussed at a meeting of the contest's executive committee this week. This year's entrants to the final (held at Bramcote) are being asked to give their views on such a move before it is put to the annual general meeting on October 15 in London.

At the executive meeting in London the national chairman, Mr G. Aston, and the clerk of the course, Mr A. E. Teer, reported on a recent exploratory visit to Crystal Palace. and listed such advantages. The main disadvantage is the additional distance to be travelled by competitors from the Midlands and North.

Mr Aston felt that, if Crystal Palace were adopted for the final, this would accord with the need for the national contest to be an onward-going competition, perhaps with international flavour.

Meanwhile it was reported that in next year's contest, the Torbay and Nottingham eliminators would both be on May 21. The national secretary urged other centres to be prompt in settling their dates.