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Clive Beattie, 30, has been appointed as controller — group

24th November 1972
Page 27
Page 27, 24th November 1972 — Clive Beattie, 30, has been appointed as controller — group
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planning and development for the British Road Services Ltd Group. Mr Beattie has spent four years with the former British Iron and Steel Research Association and similar time with the British Steel Corporation as development manager, supplies and transport division.

Jack Stanworth, 52, has been appointed chairman of United Carriers in succession to Rex Kearsley who has retired. Mr Stanworth has been a director of UCL since 1964 when his company, Lanes Midland Yorks Carriers Ltd, joined UCL.

David McVeigh, former chairman of McVeigh Transport Ltd, Grimsby, was on Tuesday presented at the Transport Association's annual Waldorf Hotel lunch with a silver tankard as a memento of his two years' chairmanship of the TA. Grantham Road Services chief Aubrey Noakes, the Association's present chairman, made the presentation.

J. A. (Mike) Hughes has been appointed chief engineer of Wincanton Transport Ltd. He was previously engineering director of Heavy Transport ECC) Ltd.

H. Lymath moves to director, UK operation, Perkins Ermines Group. He was previously director international operations and joined Perkins 12 years ago. T. Leask continues as director, north European operations: he joined the company in 1965 and was formerly general manager of Perkins in Germany. R. C. Clarke, who succeeds Mr Lymath, joined Perkins as a graduate trainee from Cambridge University in 1960.

John H. Oakley has been appointed managing director of West Kent Cold Storage Co Ltd. He takes over from J. P. Wirth, who is now director and general manager of Mitchell Cotts Transport Ltd. Mr Oakley was formerly of Delta Storage Ltd.

John Simon, 52 is, at the request of British Leyland, relinquishing his appointment as joint managing director, Dunlop Holdings Ltd, and will be loining the Board of British Leyland as an executive director from December 1.