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Aids to Efficiency

24th March 1950, Page 52
24th March 1950
Page 52
Page 52, 24th March 1950 — Aids to Efficiency
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THERE are many uses in the tool' room, machine shop or on the inspection bench for a device capable of holding a work piece securely at any desired angle. An important feature of such an appliance lies in its ability to maintain its original setting throughout a given operation.

Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., Staffs Road; Leyton, London, E.10, is responsible for an appliance known as the Universal Locator Base, which, on test, has proved itself capable of holding a load of 1 cwt., suspended at a distance of 1 ft. 6 ins, from its centre, without movement of the locking ball.

A range of attachments is available. but others will suggest themselves.

818 The same concern is responsible for a number of tube-bending machines of both the hand-operated and motorized types. Of these the 3-in, capacity opentype tool is a hand-operated hydraulic appliance, capable of dealing with 'steel

tubes from in. to 3 ins, in diameter. Tubes can be bent cold and unloaded, a bend' of up to 160 degrees being possible without the employment of extension rams.

The motorized machine is much more ambitious, being capable of dealing with steel tubes up to 6 ins, in diameter, and all types of steel section up to 8-in. by 6-in. joist. This machine has a maximum working pressure of .5,000 tb.. per sq. in,