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Ebor Take-over . To-morrow

24th March 1950, Page 35
24th March 1950
Page 35
Page 35, 24th March 1950 — Ebor Take-over . To-morrow
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VEHICLES and services of the Ebor Bus Co., Ltd, Mansfield, are to' be taken over and operated by the Mansfield District Traction Co., Ltd., as from to-morrow (March 25). Existing time-tables, route numbers and fares will be unaltered.

" The Commercial Motor" announced on January 13 that the Ebor company was selling out to the British Transport Commission which owns the Mansfield compar.o?.


THE forthcoming nationalization of F. D. Hulse, Ltd., Liverpool, was a bitter blow to its staff and drivers, stated the managing director, Mr. C.

Cornali, at recent function. It was however, still important that every man did his best, as there might he a measure of denationalization in the future.

Of the goods carried by the company, 85 per cent. were rationed foodstuffs. Claims for all purposes represented £3 lls. 2d. per vehicle a year. Having regard to the numerous complaints about pilferage, Mr. Cornall was proud of that figure, 'FIRST TRAM WITHDRAWAL IN EDINBURGH

TOR a trial period of six months,

Edinburgh Corporation is to replace tram service 18 (St. Andrew's SquareLiberton Dams, via Toll Cross) by a bus service running from Davidson's Mains to Birdiehouse, via Toll Cross. As the poorest revenue-earner in the tramway system, it has been chosen for the first experiment in replacing trams by buses in the city.

The new arrangement will give a cross-city service and will obviate the necessity of a change at Liberton for passengers from Birdiehouse and Kaimes. The change will take place on March 26,