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'Stobart Air' proposal delayed

24th April 2008, Page 7
24th April 2008
Page 7
Page 7, 24th April 2008 — 'Stobart Air' proposal delayed
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EDDIE STOBART'S DREAMS of taking to the skies as Stobart Air must wait at least another month while its planning application is considered by a government planning officer.

The plans, which include moving the haulage firm from its Kingstown, Carlisle base to the site of the city's disused airport, are entering the final stages of the approval process. They will be put before the local authority's planning committee this week. The Government Office for the North West has 28 days to mull them over, and could delay the process further by calling for a public inquiry.

Although the move may be turning into a saga, Stobart boss Andrew Tinkler remains optimistic: "There are a few issues over the conditions they are trying to put on us. But [the decision] should be favourable. There will be 28 days to make sure all the boxes are ticked, then, hopefully, it will be approved."

The company's Kingstown lease expires in February 2009. Tinkler has previously said the company might be forced to leave the county if it cannot secure agreement on a move to the airport.